IQ Test Answers (Still in Progress!)

Not in any specific order, just organized by category.

Sir Isaac Newton

Q. What University did Sir Isaac Newton attend?
A. Cambridge University

Q. What book did Isaac Newton write?
A. Principia Mathematica

Q. Whose reasearch was included in Principia Mathematica?
A. Kepler

Q. What did Newton determine was the shape of the planets orbit around the Sun?
A. an ellipse

Q. Who was helped encourage Newton to write Principia Matematica but was also his rival?
A.Robert Hooke

Q. What did Newton's mother want him to be?
A. a farmer

Q. What invention did Newton build a prototype of?
A. A reflecting telescope

Blaise Pascal

Q. At what age did Blaise Pascal write a treatise on projective geometry?
A. 16

Q. What was the Pascaline an early version of?
A. calculator

Q. Blaise Pascal used what for experimenting with atmospheric pressure?
A. barometer

Q. Where did Pascal conduct atmospheric pressure experiments?
A. a mountain near his home

Q. What was Pascal's hypothesis of what pushing down the mercury in his barometer?
A. atmospheric pressure

Q. What was Pascal's hypothesis of atmospheric pressure?
A. The higher the altitude the lower the pressure.

Q. What did Pascal think was at the top of his barometer?
A. a vacuum

Q. What is Pascal best known for?
A. probability

Q. What Pascal theorized was at top of earths atmosphere, was that pressure:
A. equalled zero

Q. Pascal's work in mathematics was inspired by a game of:
A. chance

Q. Expected values and probability theory apply to:
A. all of the above

Pierre de Fermat

Q. Pierre de Fermat not only a mathemetician but:
A. lawyer

Q. Fermat collaberated with who in probability:
A. Pascal

Q. Fermat shared his ideas by:
A. exchanging correspondance

Q. Fermat's work contributed to:
A. Developments that lead to modern calculus

Q. Fermat exchanged ideas with other mathematicians in what city(s)?
A. Paris

Q. Fermat began researching in mathematics based on work called 'On Spirals' by:
A. Archimedes

Q. Fermat didn't publish books because:
A. He wasnt interested in putting his work into polished form.


Archimendes was a Greek whose reputation spread throughout the ancient world. he lived most of his life in the city;
A. Syracuse


As a mathematician, Archimedes calculated areas and volumes fro geometric figures, as well as approximating:
A. Pi

Archimedes discovered the law of hydrostatics, which is that:
A. When a body is immeresed in fluid, its loss of weight equals the weight of the fluid it displaces.

Archimedes came to an untiimely end when he:
A. Was killed-against orders-by a Roman Soldier

Archimedes' advocacy of the lever was so influential, that centuries later, the Alexandrian Pappus said, " Give me a place to stand and I will move the __________."
A. Earth

Named for the great scientist from Syracuse himself, " The Archimedes Screw" is ?
A. A type of pump to raise water

To discourage people who copied his work-plagiarists-the scientist Archimedes often:
A. Distributed fake theories

Benjamin Franklin

American scientist statesman and author Benjamin Franklin is usually associated with the city:

A. Philadelphia

At the time when books were relatively rare, Benjamin Franklin encouraged his fellow Philadelphians to?
A. Organized America's first subscription library
Leonardo da Vinci
 We know about Leonardo da Vinci's many ideas for inventions because of:
A. His journals


Here are some more answers for the hexbug blog:
Q. Fermat challenged other mathematicians to
A. Find results he had already obtained

Q. Jenner pioneered the use of vaccinations with:
A. Smallpox

Q. Smallpox can cause:
A. All of the above

Q. 'Variolation' originated in:
A. China

Q. 'Variolation' is:
A. Inoculation with dried secretions from a blister


Edward Jenner*

Q. What disease did Jenner's work eliminate:
A. Smallpox

Q. Edward Jenner reported his results to:
A. The royal society

Q. Jenner began his medical career as a:
A. Small town doctor

Q. Jenner left his medical practice to:
A. Further research and promote the use of vaccination

Q. Jenner used cowpox material because:
A. Cowpox was similar

Q. Jenner had to extract cowpox material from:
A. Blisters on the hands of a local milkmaid

*Info from